"My intellect has taken a step backward since discovering The Daily Drivel" - Albert Einstein
" When I read it I begin to hate my fellow man. I want to hit something"- Mohandas Gandhi
"A complete abomination. We all weep at its very existence"- Abraham Lincoln
"I wouldn't begin my day without it. I've learned so much." - Lindsay Lohan

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hello friends and loyal readers. First and foremost let me wish you all a very happy holiday and a healthy and happy new year. This time of year we all reflect on our lives and the events of the past year that have transpired, good and bad. I would like to thank all our readers for making our first few months a success. I would like to thank all our writers, photographers and various contributors for their hard work and professionalism. We wouldn't be where we are without you.

Now, on a somber note, I'd like to apologize for my actions at this year's Holiday party. Please accept my humble and sincere apology to all those whom I offended and/or assaulted. Please forgive me. To the staff of the Red Lobster, Please send me a bill for all damages. To the other customers of that evening, please try and forget my lewd behavior and please try and forgive my inappropriate touching and insulting comments.To my staff, I did not mean any of the things that I said, unless of course they were complimentary. Finally, to my family, and that includes all of our loyal readers, I love you all, despite what I might have said that evening. Let's all try and forgive and forget. Let the healing begin. Here's to a fantastic 2009. Josh Banter (Editor- Daily Drivel)

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